IBPS Exam Schedule 2015

The new IBPS Exam Calendar 2015-16 has been released by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. From now on, the IBPS PO/MT and IBPS Clerk exams will be held in two tiers: Preliminary Exam & Main Exam.

The tentative IBPS exam dates for 2015-16 have been announced. However, the detailed notifications for these exams will be released in the due course of time.

Calendar for IBPS 2015


Name of the Exam

Tentative Date


CWE IBPS RRB-IV – Recruitment of Officers Scales I, II & III and Office Assistants 05.09.2015, 06.09.2015, 12.09.2015, 13.09.2015, 19.09.2015, 20.09.2015, 26.09.2015 & 27.09.2015


CWE IBPS PO/MT-V (Preliminary Exam) 03.10.2015, 04.10.2015, 10.10.2015 &11.10.2015


CWE IBPS PO/MT-V (Main Exam) 31.10.2015
 4. CWE IBPS Clerk-V (Preliminary Exam) 05.12.2015, 06.12.2015, 12.12.2015, 13.12.2015, 19.12.2015 & 20.12.2015
 5. CWE IBPS Clerk-V (Main Exam) 03.01.2016
 6. CWE IBPS Specialist Officer-V 30.01.2016 & 31.01.2016

Noteworthy Points-New IBPS Exam Pattern

  1. Candidates who apply for IBPS PO & IBPS Clerk will be called for the preliminary examination.
  2. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance on the preliminary examination.
  3. The shortlisted candidates will have to appear for the main examination.
  4. The preliminary examination will be of shorter duration as compared to the main examination.
  5. The preliminary examination will have fewer questions as compared to the main examination.
  6. The score on the preliminary examination will not be included in the final merit list.
  7. Short listing for the interview will be done only on the basis of the performance on the main examination.
  8. For the IBPS SO (Specialist Officer) recruitment there will only be a single examination, as it was earlier.
  9. A single examination will be held for IBPS RRB (Regional Rural Banks) for Recruitment of Officers Scales I, II & III and Office Assistants.
  10. A single online registration will be done by the candidate for both preliminary exam and main exam.